Reflection Resources for Experiential Learning
Reflection in Action

What? So what? Now what?
This is a simple and effective model when working with a single student or with a group. After an experience, debrief by starting with the breakdown of "What?" What happened? State the facts or walk through the timeline. What role did the student play? What were particular events or moments that stood out? Then with "So what," talk through the effects of what happened. What feelings were provoked? Can you identify what caused elements of the "What?" Why did certain reactions happen? Finally, in the "Now what," We talk through the next steps and how similar situations can be handled. What would the student change about their response? What lessons did they learn? Source: Borton (1970)

The integrative processing model

Action research cycle
Another cylical process, the action research cycle is a cristial self-reflective process, but can be done with others. As you go through the steps of Plan, Act, Observe, and Reflect, you should be identifying problems or challenges and iterating on the overall experience to improve it. Source: Dickens, L., & Watkins, K. (1999)